Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Abortion is the most controversial 'right' being debated today. The religious belief abortion was not a natural right. Each years there are over million people are having abortion in the United State. There are 47 percent abortion are mostly occurring to women that are unintended pregnancies. Abortion are hurting women through physical and mental. Abortion should be prevented because abortion are against human natural right and hurting women health though physically and mentality. In 1973, United Stated supreme over Roe v. Wade decision created woman's 'right' to abortion, because they have cleanliness technique and antibiotics made abortion safe. In same year, Soviets, China, and socialist- democracies of Western Europe had made abortion …show more content…

Modern women ideology was to having children after their career success. Any unintended pregnancies between this period of time will be abortion. Teenager girls abortion rate are decreasing and mostly abort because they could not afford it. Some Christan spoken out that abortion are against human rights. Pastor Matt Chandler from the village church are strongly stand up and say, “ Abortion is murder.” Chandler are believe that abortion is not just political issue and they are deeply theological issue. People use knowledge to gain their right but going revised direction on natural right. People choose abortion are inferior to animal because even domestic animal know reproduction is main goal. Abortion are hurting women body and sometime may cause death. After abortion the complications include hemorrhage, infection, rupture of undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy and incomplete abortion. Death rate are much higher after abortion than childbirth. In long term, every abortion will decrease the reproductive success and increase preterm birth. Preterm birth will affect health of newborn children. There are controversial risk that may caused by abortion. The risks include breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers. There are evidence indicate women pregnancy will make breast issue to be vulnerable to cancer. There are many cases that indicate abortion affect women health. Abortion are giving mental pressure to

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