Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Should animals be used as testing subjects for cosmetics or other products or even experiments? Animals should not be tested on since it’s not safe for the animal. Whether this is a problem or not it began years ago and is still something that hasn’t change is mostly used for makeup and on medication for any disease waiting to find its cure. Rabbits, mice, dogs, monkeys, and rats are some of the few animals that are used on a daily base for testing. Animals used for testing do not have a specific age, there just picked randomly. The test being used will harm the animal making it aggressive or even killing it. There should be more alternatives to testing products without harming any animal. Animals and humans are different therefore will have a different result. Animal testing is not safe for the human and the animal this is why companies should go cruelty-free. …show more content…

Animal testing is when living animals are used to perfume test for certain products to see how it would work on humans. The test will inform the companies if the animals have a reaction making the product not safe for consumption. The testing stage has 3 main areas does being biomedical research, product safety testing and education. Biomedical research is mostly used for the purpose of understanding the body and how it works basically an experiment. Product safety is for the products we use every day and the Educational is for the animals that are sometimes used is school. The test may go from injecting medicine to using beauty cosmetic on them. Animal testing is popular among companies but it’s not a safe method to use. Monkeys are not the only animals being used like many people think, but it’s also animals that people would not imagine. Animals testing is cruel to every animal that will and is being