Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Experimental Pets Think of your pet would you let somebody in a lab and test random drugs on him or her just so you can get rid of your cold faster. That it what is happening to millions of animals across the country. Helpless animal are stuck in cages in pain, afraid, sick, and often starved. Animals in labs only know painful lives in cold cages where they usually never see the light of day or experience fresh air. They also have no rights protecting them. Animal testing should be illegal because it is animal abuse, is inhumane, cruel unnecessary and there is no valid reason why animals should be used for testing. Animal testing is inhumane. It "include everything from testing new drugs to infecting with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, burning skin, causing brain damage, implanting electrodes into the …show more content…

These are just a few procedures that sick scientists do to defenseless animals on a daily basis. Many animals go through painful injections of infectious diseases chemical, and drugs at harmful levels which cause illness pain, distress and even death. These tests can last up to two years or more, and often the animal does not survive the trials. If they do the animals are usually killed afterwards because they are no longer needed. Many devices are used to completely immobilize the animal or partially immobilize to induce anxiety, stress and panic. Some tests involving rats consist of grasping its tail holding it upside down and making it swim to avoid drowning. How is that going to helping to make sure a drug is safe? An undercover lab investigation in 2009 showed chimpanzees in cages spinning around their cages, pulling out their hair and basically mutilating them selves due to chronic distress also called “stress-induced psychosis” Famed primatologist Jane Goodall said “In no lab I have visited have I seen so many chimpanzees exhibit such intense fear. The screaming I heard