
Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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The driver is safer when the roads are dry; the roads are safer when the driver is dry – (Unknown)

Driving is a privilege not a constitutional right. It is such a major part of our lives that without it we feel so handicapped. It has practically become a major requirement to accomplish our daily chore and when we get license we feel on top of the world. It gives us sudden freedom. Most of us have the feeling that we are grown up adults and now we have license and driving skills are par excellence. But we should remember that there are driving norms and rules to follow. After obtaining the license we should become more responsible to demonstrate our driving ability to drive safely on the roads. Failing this can land us in big trouble. Our license can be revoked or suspended especially when we mix driving and drinking. If we drive on the road, we share it with other road users so our responsibility gets doubled to drive a vehicle in a safe manner. …show more content…

According to the reports of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention around one million teenagers had driven vehicles after consuming alcohol in 2011 (CDC). Though the percentage of drunk teen drivers has decreased by more than half since 1999 but still one in 10 teen drivers drink and drive. This irresponsible behaviour is a deadly menace. Underage drinking poses a major threat to all the passengers on the road. It is found that 1 in 5 teen drivers had ill-fated accident after consuming alcohol as they exceed the legal limits of BAC (CDC). Even a small intake of alcohol can mess up the mental ability of a driver to focus attention and act fast and especially when the driver is less experienced one. Fatal accidents can occur if the intake is more as alcohol hinders driver’s ability to rationalize and react on

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