Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Imagine, a woman is very happy to bring her spouse to the adoption center so they can start the process of getting a child. How sweet! Excited they enter, but are abruptly are stopped by a woman who says “Whoa! When you said you would come back with your partner, I thought you meant a man! There is no way I’m helping a lesbian couple adopt a child. You need to leave, now!” All they wanted was to have a happy family, how could they be treated that way? Homosexuality has always been a big topic for discussion, they now have the right to marry, and adopt children, but many religious foster organizations still try to deny homosexual couples their right to adopt. Legally, gay and lesbian couples can already adopt, for the exact same reason that …show more content…

Research has shown that “Same-sex couples are about six times more likely to raise foster youth and four times more likely to raise adopted youth than heterosexual couples...And with nearly 415,000 children in the U.S. foster care system, more help is needed.” (Davis). On top of that, it is already hard for a family that is fostering a child, to know that when you foster, the child you have grown to love and care for may not stay with you, but it is illogical to say that same-sex couples can’t even have that, to foster a child that is waiting for a home. Another thing that often goes unthought of, is that what if a kids who are not part of the majority, and are queer or have a different gender than male or female would be happy, and maybe even feel safer, knowing that they are with a family that will understand, care for, and love them no matter what, instead of casting them out. And it is not to be forgotten, that when there isn’t enough parents to go around, that the statistics for how children end up after “ageing out” of the foster system are horrible, less than half graduate from high school, the other half is often found to be involved with the legal system, often because of the use of illegal substances; they are also likely to be out of work, go to jail, be homeless, and to have young …show more content…

Gay marriage was legalized because it restricts equal benefits, therefore same-sex couples should be able to adopt for the same reasons. Also, it should not go unnoticed that If it were any other minority, it would never be accepted to deny them an opportunity, especially a family, because of things out of their control, it is not a choice of theirs; create a hypothetical situation where an interracial couple wanted to adopt a child but were denied the opportunity, that would never be accepted, and never should, we are all human beings! Some Christian groups or homophobes might claim that being homosexual is “wrong”, and they shouldn’t be able to adopt, and “they can’t have children naturally for a reason”, but this is just the ignorance of people who want to put everyone into one labeled box, and want everything to be the same. What matters is that we are all people, and should not be judged by who we are, especially by who we love. In addition, having queer parents is great for a child who has not yet discovered who they are, much like you would not force a child to write with their right hand, instead you place the pencil in front of them and let them pick