Persuasive Essay On Gmo Foods

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Genetically modified foods
Have you ever bought food from a restaurant and left some food out and a couple days later you came back and the food looked exactly the same?, the reason why this happens is because the food is Genetically Modified Food (GMF), and dangerous because it causes unhealthy problem in people. It also can cause excessive weight gain, and finally it is worse than organic sources. Genetically modified foods are not beneficial to a healthy life.
UNHEALTHY PROBLEMS *&*&*&*&*&* Within the chemicals, that farmers use to produce genetically modified foods there are harmful substances to hurt people's bodies. These harmful chemicals contribute to the excessive weight gain. Dr Geoffrey Clements Stated "The genetic modification of food is intrinsically dangerous. It involves making irreversible changes in a random manner to a complex level of life about which little …show more content…

That means no chemicals that are used in other big farm companies and other archiculture fields. Also organic food is more fresher than GMOs because GMOs contain preservatives that makes the food go longer and not spoil for a longer time.But that doesn't always mean that fresh because of what the preservatives that is in it means it may last longer but the taste may diminish the taste of the food with change. and it won't be the same as the same day you bought it from the store so preservatives are not always good in the long run GMOs. Also I'm not safe for the environment and organic farming is very good for the environment and beneficial for both sides the farmer and the environment organic farming helps decrease pollution, help save water uses less energy. but in general organic farming helps everybody even the animals there. Organic meat and milk has more nutrients than GMOs Meat and