Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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There is a myriad of debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana for medical use. With this being such a hot topic in the states today we ask the question, should we legalize marijuana? We should legalize marijuana for medical uses to benefit people who really need it. A few key points that support marijuana legalization are the extensive research into benefits for cancer patients, the benefits for epilepsy and seizure patients and lastly the overall consumer safety aspect. Before we get into the plethora of benefits from legalization we should know just what is marijuana. Marijuana is made up of cannabidiol or (CBD) – this impacts the brain without giving you the high that you would receive from smoking it. Tetrahydrocannabidiol or (THC) – this gives you the main management aspect (Business insider). There are many ways to consume marijuana, most …show more content…

Many people believe that marijuana use will lead to the acceptance or gateway into other harder drugs where in fact, people would less likely be using harder drugs if marijuana is available its cheaper and has the same effects as opiates without the side effects. Another argument is addiction. While addiction is a concern for some people it shouldn’t be addiction is defined as a compulsive need for something characterized by tolerance. And defined and physiological symptoms upon withdrawal (Merriam-Webster). In most cases people that use marijuana can stop any time they would like without consequences because it has no adverse effects and no withdrawal process. There are many risks to a person’s health that is brought up when discussing the legalization of marijuana, such as, mental and physical health, yet, alcohol and tobacco are used throughout the world and horrible for you causing cancer, organ failure and more yet, they are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (White,