Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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In the United States various individuals admitted to smoking marijuana at least once and millions of people in the world uses the drug. Marijuana is a drug used for recreational or medical use. In our country, states argue if it should be legal or not. In four states (Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington) and District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Even Nevada is deciding on marijuana legalization. Twenty-five states has some type of law for marijuana now. States decided to decriminalize individuals having small size of it. There are individuals in this country who think marijuana shouldn't be legalized because of some of the side effects. There’s an argument if it should be legalized because of the variety …show more content…

(a big oil business owner) didn't like the idea of using marijuana because it took away from his monopoly in the years of 1915-1927. In the United States cannabis begins to be prohibited for non medical use to save his monopoly before it eventually fell prohibition first starts in states of California (1915), followed by Texas (1919), Louisiana (1924), and New York (1927) and so forth. Centuries before this happened the first settlers of Jamestown in the years of 1611-1762 brought marijuana to North America in 1611, and throughout the colonial period, hemp fiber was an important good to sell. In 1762, Virginia government awarded people for using hemp (marijuana fiber) and manufacture, and gave penalties to people who did not produce it. Our first presidents even grew marijuana, in the year of 1745-1775 our first president George Washington grew it. In his diary shows that he grew hemp at Mount Vernon at his plantation for about 30 years for industrial use (approximately 1745-1775) .According to Mount Vernon it conveys “Although George Washington’s initial interest in hemp was to determine if it could be a viable cash crop, he proceeded to cultivate it just to meet the needs of his own …show more content…

The topic of marijuana is viewed wrong among a sufficient amount of people. The drug is used mostly for recreational & medical purposes. In a survey in 2015 there’s 30 million Americans who smokes marijuana which means the number of smokers doubled since 2002. Is this an advantage for health or a big disaster? It’s proven that medical marijuana helps many medical diagnoses for instance nerve pain relief, multiple sclerosis, general chronic pain relief , epilepsy, Crohn's Disease, cancer treatment, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, anxiety disorders, PTSD, weight loss, asthma and glaucoma. There has been a tremendous amount of research to use of the drug using it medically, recreationally, even for our environment. There’s this conception that of a person hears “drug” they automatically think the worst but it could be anything simple like aspirin something an individual would take for a simple headache. For recreational uses also it has positive effects from marijuana. According to Patients 4 Medical Marijuana it exclaims “There are benefits from marijuana (besides bronchial dilation) that you don’t get from tobacco. According to the Natural Society “ In 2006, the American Thoracic Society presented in a conference on May 23 the results of their study on the link between lung cancer and cannabis smoking. The results of the study were surprising as it proved that