Pinellas County Grease Management Case Study

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Pinellas County Grease Management- The Pinellas County Grease Management Program (GMP) is responsible for providing regulation governing grease waste generators and grease waste haulers in order to mange grease generated within the county in an environmentally sound manner. The program utilizes the LINKO FOG Tracker data system to permit and monitor grease waste generators, grease waste haulers and to track all associated fees governing all regulated activities. Since the inception of the GMP, Pinellas County Utilities has only had two sewer system overflows directly related to a Food Service Establishments (FSE). With the established partnership with maintenance crews and lift station crews, the GMP seeks out areas of concern and works with the FSE and the grease haulers to proactively address concerns of excess grease in the system. …show more content…

Currently the GMP has a 97% compliance rate with food service establishments pumping their grease removal system. Pinellas County currently has 720 permitted FSE that are tracked using the LINKO FOG Tracker data system. Pinellas County Utilities is the only municipality in the state of Florida to permit grease waste haulers and through collaboration with the grease waste haulers, has successfully implemented a tracking system that identifies and records a computerized manifest of an FSE pumping within five days of service. Pinellas County Utilities is the only utility in the United State using this system to track pump out information and can identify late pumping within 5 days of the FSE pumping frequency. The GMP has 22 permitted grease haulers conducting business in Pinellas

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