Political Views On Abortion Essay

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My political views at an early age were influenced by my grandmother, who is major liberal, I grew up with Barack Obama/John McCain campaigns for the presidency and I was always watching the political debates, and rallies on television with my parents and grandparents. My family is mostly Liberals my parents and grandparents are Democrats, so naturally their political views rubbed off onto me at a young age. Currently I would consider myself as a Democrat.
I would have to say the most defining moment in my lifetime was the events that occurred on September 11th, 2003 when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were involved in a terrorist attack the biggest attack on the United States of America in history. Even though I cannot remember …show more content…

Immigration almost always has been a major political issue for elections.
Another big political issue in the media today is abortion laws and regulations. Abortion has always been a two sided argument between pro-choice, and pro-life. It is a major issue for which ever side you are on, abortion is just one of those things you should let people decide for themselves before of the different views on it. Abortion are not as uncommon as you think: “Abortions are very common. In fact, 3 out of 10 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old”(Parenthood). Three out of ten is a pretty good percent of women that have an abortion before the age of forty-five. Meaning one out of three women have an abortion whether it was because they were raped or because they made a mistake. I for one as a guy would not want to be responsible for a child because of a mistake. Fitting in perfectly with my next argument.
Gay marriage not getting pasted as a law sooner was a mistake it should have been something that was a right from the start. Gay marriage was passed not by the house of representatives but by the supreme court in 2015. This quote states the details: “On June 26, 2015, the Court ruled 5-4 that gay marriage is a constitutional right, meaning that all 50 states must allow it and that all existing bans are invalid”(ProCon). Just because the court ruled for gay marriage does not mean that some people aren’t treating gay marriage as they

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