Pros And Cons Of Genetic Modification

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Since recent technological advances have made it possible to genetically modify DNA, society should use those resources to improve the quality of human life. Using this technology would be beneficial to mankind for many reasons. It would improve physical appearance, cure diseases and/or prevent them, and heighten the level of human intelligence. Though there is always the possibility of something going wrong there is also the possibility of it going right. It is also against some peoples moral beliefs but getting a better understanding of this technology should change that. All of the pros and cons as one would create a better, smarter, happier world. Everyone always is unsure or self-conscious about their physical appearance. Whether they wish their hair was natural blond (you know the kind that bleach cant accomplish), or their eyes were purple or even wished they could reach that 6'2" they've always dreamed about! Genetic Modification can fix that. With this advanced technology you can practically design your body! Tanner skin? No problem. Hate your brown eyes? Piece of cake. Not only can you change or fix the complications mentioned, you …show more content…

Though these are just a few of the many avails of genetic modification they give an idea of how this will better the world. Genetic modification allows humans to alter their physical appearance, gives us the ability to cure diseases or at least delete them, and lastly improve the level of intelligence in humans. Some of the disadvantages are the miniscule possibility of it going wrong and the uneducated belief that genetic modification is morally wrong. Being as the possibility of improvement to the human race is greater than the possibility that it will cause significant harm, I believe that genetically modifying humankind is the proper course of action for us to take in this