Throughout this course, I’ve written a variety of essays starting from Approaches to a Written Argument, Personal Essay, Academic Argument Essay and Process Reflection essay. I’ve learned a great deal of information between these four essay. I’ve learned that most of the time when you write a college essay, it’s going to need to be written in APA format and if it’s not in APA format you can get serious points taken off of your grade. APA format has to be set up in a specific, from the title page to a reference page and APA must have a reference page, because it’s considered plagiarism when you’re not giving credit to the author who you’re quoting from. I’ve also learned about the I.C.E method. When writing a college paper and you’re using another author's sources, you’re going to have to adapt the I.C.E method. The method starts with I, introduce your quote for readers because it shows the source is legitimate. The next step is C, cite your quote from the author you’re using and finally E, explain your quote. I’ve used this method in all my essays and by using this method, it creates a great flow for your paper and makes it sound professional. …show more content…
This paper made me connect as a writer to many other prominent writers by using their stories and connecting to my personal life. I enjoyed writing this essay because I felt like I go into depth about each story and how they relate to my life, with my others essays, I feel like it was difficult to write because of the lack of information that was provided for me. I also learned from writing these papers is to move from genre to genre. When writing The Approaches to Written Argument and Academic Argument essay I had to use critical thinking and really go into depth about this issues being discussed, but in the personal essay it was just writing at my free