Safeguarding Children And Young People's Policies And Procedures Essay

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Despite a member of staff’s role is to look after children they also need to protect themselves from any harm. It is vital that they know the setting s policies and procedures, which helps them to safeguard themselves as well as the children within the setting. You can prevent false allegations by not being the only member of staff with one child at one time. Two member of staff should be present if a child’s has had an accident and needs to get dressed, this then stops you from getting accused of anything as there is another member of staff present. If there is a child who gets collected later then the other children then two member of staff must be present until the child’s parents arrive.
All settings should provide a clear guidance about …show more content…

By following the correct policies and procedures of the setting keeps you and the children safe. Ensure there are enough adults for the amount of children when in and outside of the classroom.

Any information used within the setting that you overhear must be kept confidential. Don’t by presents for the children or communicate with their family over social media. It is vital to not use bad language or make abusive comments towards to children or members of staff within the setting. Anti discriminatory or anti bias practice- this shows children the correct way to behave if there someone from a different country or culture, this shows you are treating all children equally.

 Ensuring that adult to child ratios are kept at all times- for example there isn’t too much pressure on one adult to look after the whole class of children, it makes it easier for adults to divide the class into groups and look after one group each.
 Following and grasping the safeguarding policy- this is to keep children and staff safe when at the setting or on an