Snowden Pros And Cons

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The works of the NSA has recently been a very hot and controversial topic across America. After Snowden released top secret NSA files to the public, many started to ask the question- How practical is this collection of private records, and is it even necessary for our safety? The answer is no. The collection of every private phone call, e-mail, instant message, and photograph should not be taken from American citizens.

The collection of internet data and phone calls is an unnecessary invasion of American privacy. The general population agrees with this statement astronomically. According to the Pew Research Center, fifty-four percent of American citizens say they disapprove of the U.S. government's collection of telephone and internet data as pats of anti-terrorism threats. Also, Pew Research states,” At the same time, Americans want to control their personal information, but few feel like they are able to. Most say it is important to control who can get their information (93%), as well as what information about them is collected (90%). But only 9% say they have a lot of control over how much information …show more content…

There are still many terrorist attacks that happen on American soil with the system of the NSA in place, placing doubt inside the public mind about the effectiveness of this organization. Pew Research states,”Americans also say anti-terrorism policies have not gone far enough to adequately protect them. More (49%) say this is their bigger concern than say they are concerned that policies have gone too far in restricting the average person’s civil liberties (37%),according to a January survey. While Americans held this view between 2004 and 2010, they briefly held the opposite view in July 2013, shortly after the Snowden leaks.” This shows how a substantial number of people do not feel any more protected with this policy of collection data in