Steve Jobs Decline

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In 1976 Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College. By 1981 at age 21 Steve Jobs had publicized the apple computer, and by age 23 he was a millionaire. In 1983, Jobs employed the new chief executive, John Sculley, the head of Pepsi Cola with the legendary words "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?” Jobs had created his own division within his establishment to create his own product, the Macintosh, which created conflict between him and the divisions that actually made a profit. This put a strain on the relationship between Jobs and Sculley, as well as the numerous complaints Sculley received from his division of their stressful and merciless boss.
In 1984 the Mac was released with outstanding reviews, however the sales were inadequate, therefore putting them on a short leash budget wise. Sometime in the spring of 1985, a primary apple investor made it clear that if Jobs were left uncontrolled, both he and Sculley would be fired. Sculley then replaced Jobs with a French marketer named Jean-Louis Gassée, whom he loathed.

Soon after, when Sculley was out of the country on business, Jobs articulated a plan to split apple into four divisions. Sculley would be head of the retail …show more content…

After leaving, 5 senior staff members decided to leave and become cofounders of neXT. Apple became anxious as to whether the resignation letters would keep coming or not. NeXT had produced computers with exquisite hardware, groundbreaking software and state-of-the-art designs. However, no one was willing to buy at the price they were selling. On the other side of the story, Apple was plunging so deep into debt that they had to get a bail-out from Microsoft, otherwise known as Apples arch

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