Student Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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The Paying of NCAA Student Athletes 2 Come on in, let's watch how the NCAA takes money and uses the hard working student athletes. Players have been battling for decades to get paid. The student athletes put in a-ton of training and work. But the. Again they bring in all of the revenue through their hard work and get nothing in return. The NCAA Is using the players for their worth. NCAA student athletes barely make by with a low paying job and studying/training up to 50 hours a week. NCAA student athletes deserve to get paid. “College sports will become more honesty once players are paid, and more honorable. Fans will be able to enjoy football and men's basketball without having to avert their eyes from the scandals and the hypocrisy. Yes, It's true: paying players will change college sports. They will be better too.” ( Nocera December 11, 2011). This is true because student athletes put in tons of work, but get no money in return for their hard work. Top college coaches can make more money than professional coaches. Such as coach K the head coach of the Duke basketball team, he makes more money than an average NBA coach. Also athletes directors can make up to $500,000. College coaches are getting overpaid, an average …show more content…

In no mans is this meant to make the players rich. This will help them handle their money. “I'm interested in seeing the people who produce the revenue share a teeny slice of it. That's right, football and men's basketball players get paid; lacrosse, field hockey, softball, baseball, soccer players get nothing. You know what that's called? Capitalism.”(Wilbon, July 18, 2011). This is true because the big sports who bring in all the revenue deserve the pay. NCAA coaches salary would decrease in order to pay student athletes. Instead of bribing recruits they can offer them contracts. NCAA coaches get paid too much. By decreasing the pay, college recruits would be offered a contract just like pro