
Summary: Christian Worldview Of Business Ethics

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As a Christian, one should strive to have an ethically sound business. John Wesley once suggested that our purpose is to “do all the good [we] can. By all the means [we] can. In all the ways [we] can. In all the places [we] can. At all the times [we] can. To all the people [we] can. As long as ever [we] can.” One way that we can do good is by running our businesses as the Lord would have us run them. We should strive to serve the Lord through our businesses by making sure that the decisions we make are not only ethical, but also through a Christian worldview. Not only is this good for our own edification, but it is also good for business. “Good business and good ethics are synonymous…Ethics is at the heart and center of business…profits and …show more content…

Ruddell states that “positive influence for good on all people connected with the company, which will develop society for good.” (Ruddell, 2014. P. 23) This goes along with Willard’s assertion that “business is a profession, and professions have a moral role in society.” (Rae & Wong, 2012, p. 103) Businesses should strive to do good for their communities. If the company gives back to the communities, the communities will support the business. Along the same lines, an ethical business will be trusted in its community. Trust is “the absolute foundation of all business transactions.” (Ruddell, 2014, p. 25) Trust will increase sales and support. It will also increase the chances of a business being able to accepted for a loan. Banks are more likely “to loan to honest companies.” (Ruddell, 2014, p. 23) This means that the company would have chances to grow and expand. An ethical business does not just increase sales; it decreases costs. One way that it reduces costs is because “employees cost is reduced when employees work hard.” (Ruddell, 2014, p. 23) When employees are productive, there is no need for additional employees, which means that the cost for salaries is

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