
Teaching Philosophy Statement

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I chose to enter the great field of education because of inspirations I’ve had throughout my life. While some of these life experiences, inspirations have been not so great, others remind me of why I am going down the path I have chosen. I had teachers throughout my education who would do anything in their power to compel students to want to learn. Other teachers I have had, did the opposite and made some students not want to learn. There is a lot that goes into teaching and providing opportunities where students are engaged and have the desire to learn. Being a teacher is a continuous learning experience. I want to teach because I love seeing that light bulb go off in a student's head, because they were able to apply information to a situation, …show more content…

You spend approximately ¾ of the year with the same little minds, and at least 8 hours a day. Students start forming their belief of you, the first day of school. I believe first impression is one of the most important parts of teaching. Students can sense when the teacher is not positive about learning, and they will pick up on this. I believe that teachers who show positivity and interest in being in the classroom, are the best teachers of all. I desire to be the teacher who believes in her students, who will push and provide assistance to my students I d not want to be the teacher who is only teaching for the letter grades and standardized test grades.

I want to have students think of me, how I still think of my kindergarten teacher. While kindergarten was a while ago, I still remember all of the foundations that my teacher taught us, with such patience. I want to be a professional educator because I want to know that I made a mark on someone's lifelong learning. By reminding students that you truly care about them, this reminds them that they can trust you, with anything. Sometimes students can have their guard up when entering a new classroom, by reaffirming my students, I will let them know that my classroom is safe and open to all kinds of

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