
Teaching Philosophy Statement

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To be able to work with young children is something I have always wanted to do since I was a little girl. Being a teacher helps to put an impact on young children's learning not only now when they are young, but for years to come. It is up to us as educators to set up the environment within the classroom, for the children to have many learning experiences ready at hand. To be able to show children that learning can take place at any moment in the day. Children need to feel as they are welcome and wanted in the classroom. Encouraging words and positive reinforcements show the students that good behavior is always welcomed. Teachers are an important part of a child's educational experience. Teachers have many responsibilities when it comes to the children's education, teaching young children should be a joy and not only looked at as a job. A teacher needs to have many important qualities, a teacher needs to be happy to help children to learn and to help children to do their best. One of the key factors of being a teacher is to care for the children that are in your class. Children are more open to and trusting to a teacher that they know cares about …show more content…

Children having a good education can help them to reach full potential and be successful in life. There are many things in education that play a significant role. Some of these include the children, the learning, the families of the children, the teachers, and the learning environment. Parents are caregivers are children's first teachers. Teachers and parents need to have a good relationship with each other for the child to be more successful in their learning. Teachers and parents need to have good communication about how the child is progressing in their learning. Families in the United States are becoming more diverse, not only in structure, but also culturally, and teachers need to be aware of this

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