Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Most of my role models and mentors who had an impact on my life tended to be teachers. This happens to be the case since teachers shape students’ lives as they instruct them throughout their early age. As I grew as a student, my views on teachers developed, knowing superior from inferior or welcoming from ignorant. Most teachers who taught me were never just one end of the spectrum, and each had their strengths and weaknesses. However, those who were extraordinary stood out to me. Those type of teachers made me absolutely love learning and I have them to thank them for getting me this far in my education career. I aim to be that exceptional teacher that provide love for learning math for students. I was eager to complete the assignment to finally …show more content…

As a school’s alumni, it seemed like a well suited location to complete my assignment. I emailed my former math teacher, Mr. Lopez, who taught three years of my high school career to observe. He truly developed my love for math and my pursuit to become a primary school math teacher. This was an exciting moment for me because I will be observing his Algebra 2/Trigonometric class, the class where I fell in love with mathematics. The other class I would be observing was computer science. The teacher informed me that the class was new and needed many refining. As a former computer engineering major, I was intrigued to see how he would teach a subject that I found difficult. Since the computer science class is less polish than the math class, it would also be interesting how they would compare to one …show more content…

It made sense to have a thorough security for visitors so that the students attending school would feel safe, especially around this area. I went to the teacher’s office to greet Mr. Lopez, and we caught up briefly before having to go to his first class which was Algebra 2 Trigonometry. We entered the classroom slightly early and waited for the students in come until the bell rang. The classroom was rectangle in shape, and the desks were organized in three columns with each student seated side by side throughout the row. The classroom consisted of approximately 34 students, all of who were all sophomores. Around 28 students were Asians, and the rest consisted of other