Teaching Philosophy Statement

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1. It might shock you to know how much actually goes into teaching. Growing up with a parent as a teacher helped me to see how much effort was put into helping students, and it inspired me to want to do the same. 3. When being a teacher you have to make sure the students understand everything and explain everything patiently. 10. Being a teacher you need to have specific personal qualities communication, listening skills, and being able to express ideas clearly to others. 5. To be a teacher you have to have a bachelor’s in education, and depending on the grade a major in a specific subject. Secondary teachers, or high school, have to major in a subject and take their higher education preparation classes. Along with these they take a child …show more content…

4. Companies such as BP Scholastic, Teach for America, The New Teacher Project, and many others hire teachers also. 17. There are also many different organizations you can join depending on what you teach. Teachers can join the NEA (National Education Association), NSTA (National Science Teachers Association), and many more. But teachers have a busy schedule so they do not always join many organizations. 8. “High school teachers generally work school hours, which vary from school to school” (Bureau of Labor Statistics). But there are always papers to grade. Even when the students are not in school teachers are working. Then there are coaches and club sponsors who use their after school time to help and work with those students. During summer teachers, plan their lessons, and only get about a two month break, some even teach summer school programs for extra money. After working there will be opportunities of advancement that will likely present themselves. 7. From being a teacher you can branch off to be a “librarian, reading specialist, or guidance counsler” (Oklahoma Career Information System). Teachers can become principals, or administrators but those jobs are harder to come …show more content…

The salary depending, on how long you have been teaching, varies. The average is around 55,360 dollars a year, but there are some that make less or more depending on the state, city, and school. Teachers fresh out of college would most likely be in the lower percentile with anywhere between 34,750 to 44,440 dollars. This is because of the lack of experience they have yet to gain. Compare that to someone that has five years of experience, who would be in the upper median or higher percentile, they could make up to 69,970 dollars. 11. There are many satisfactions that come from being a teacher like knowing you are helping the future generations prosper. Or that you are brightening the future with education of the students. Just because teachers are not wealthy with extravagant amounts of money does not mean they do not prosper in other ways, life isn’t just about money. 13. Teaching does not affect your family life as much as other jobs do because schools are usually understanding of their employees. There also are not as many surprises that can drastically change your