The Disparity Of Theory And Practice In A School Counseling Program

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In demonstrating understanding of the foundation of school counseling as a whole, it is intended to deliberate the synthesis, application, theory and or research topics studied to date. Some of the areas to discuss herein have been formulated into six sub sections. These areas of focus include the following:
1) The process of change
2) The process of developing and implementing a school-counseling program
3) The legal and ethical aspects of a counseling program
4) Comparison of the ASCA model to……………………………………………….model
5) The role of the counselor and
6) The disparity of theory and practice in school counseling systems
The process of change
To discuss the process of change, one must consider the concept of paradigm, as this may have an impact on the previous concept mentioned (change). To consider the influence paradigm might have on the process of change, the definition of such term should be explored. According to Huitt, author of Analyzing paradigms used in education and schooling, paradigm is described as a set of views and ideas that are derived from previous personal cultural experiences. It’s a way of seeing the world in one’s mind, based on …show more content…

Individuals can have their built opinions and might not be willing to change their paradigm based on their past experiences. This can present itself as a challenge for supervisors, counselors, and staff in schools seeking change. When making changes in an established system, leaders must consider others’ paradigms and what they need to do to shift it. One of the primary causes of resistance begins with people’s attitudes, believes, pre-established notions of how the world/system is supposed to be. To shift someone’s paradigm, one must follow a series of strategies so staff members can “buy-in to” this new change. (Hoekstra & Zigarmi, 2008, p.