The Morality Of Animal Testing

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“Over eighteen million animals are used in research and experimentation in the United State” ( Lubinski 4). Some people truly do not think animals should be used for medical testing. Animals are medically tested to find cures for human diseases or to make sure chemical products are safe to be around humans. But while being tested, animals are harmed, given diseases, and even killed by the chemicals without a say in doing so. Even though animals are a different species they still are living and should be respected. People need to think about the animals suffering by doing this. Animals should not be used for product or medical research.
First, animals are harmed while in medical testing. For example, as Martin Wasserman said,“Animals used in …show more content…

“The Federal Law does not explicitly require animal testing for products. Such testing is an accepted option for their safety” (Issues And Controversies 2). If testing products on animals is not required before people sell them then why do scientists do it? They do it because they want to be safe and they aren’t thinking of the poor animals lives. It’s called being selfish. Since the law does not require animal testing on products they need to be working on a different way to do testing other than harming innocent creatures and if they are real scientists then they should be able to. “There are plenty of alternative ways of testing on animals. Scientists should try them and let animals live in peace because animals get side effects too. “The biggest side effect of medical research on animals is death” (Lubinski 4). When scientists test on animals they are killing them because of many ways like disease and in general dieing instantly. Why can’t scientist think of other ways? They can but they choose not to because they believe this is the best way but many people know it is not. Animals should have the same rights as humans and live in a torture free environment. “Animals should not suffer unnecessarily at the hands of people.” ( Lubinski 4). “Scientists could try different types of methods of testing even if it has to be on animals, do not harm them or treat them wrong or give them …show more content…

“By testing on animals humans can find cures to very deadly diseases and could save tons of people. Why should scientists not test on animals and let the human race die” (Tyler 2). People shouldn’t die so that animals that there are tons of can live. “Medical research on animals will ease human suffering and save lives” (Rights And Wrongs 1). Yes, animal research will ease human suffering because even if scientists aren’t testing on animals for cures they are still testing for wanted products like soap and pesticides and shampoos. That will ease our stress for some people and people will have more and more healthy products for humans to live on. People can understand why others think that humans should continue animal testing but humans are harming themselves to. Though they make a great point, sometimes humans get even more sick from testing on animals it the tests are wrong and scientists then are only harming the animals. That inflicts great pain on animals by killing off their kind. “They contend it is inherently immoral” (Wrongdoings 2). If it gives people more pain and also killing innocent animals then why do scientists still do it? They are trying to help humans and they are making them more sick. “Also, sometimes it may ease human suffering and save lives, but it is also hurting animals and if scientists continuing killing animals and the tests don’t work then people will be hurting our economy when food