The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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Throughout Historic warfare there has never been a terrorist organization that occupied such a sanctuary. Never has a terrorist organization had access to such abundant natural resources. Never has a terrorist organization possessed the heavy weaponry, cash, and personnel that ISIL does today. Its brutality is unmatched. ISIS has reached an outrageous level of black-heartedness integrating a 4 year old Isa Dare as its executioner. Isa Dare, also known as Jihadi Junior detonated a car bomb, where four men in orange jumpsuits accused of espionage were seated. After detonating the device and exploding the vehicle the 4 year old boy then stood triumphant shouting “Allah Akbar”. One of the ISIS supervisors saying “Today, we’re going to kill …show more content…

As president Obamas term ends so do his executive exercises, as a new president will be instated we will have to adopt new political views. Many Americans may see presidential candidate Donald Trump’s views as unorthodox as well as unessential. These strategies have already been executed with the Executive Order 9066 which forced Japanese Americans into Internment Camps or to be exiled from the United States. In relation to Trump’s desire to exile Muslim groups from the United States. Doing so would be unconstitutional, but it may be a step the United States has to take. Donald Trump refers to the Middle Eastern refugee crisis as The Ultimate Trojan Horse. Pointing out that there are very few women and children coming over and the majority of refugees coming into the United States are strong young men. Donald Trump called for a "Total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States (Business Recorder). Senator Ted Cruz announces his views on the rules of engagement. Admitting that he would prefer that they be loosened. Ted Cruz had announced that he would Carpet Bomb ISIS, also stating that the presence of civilians would not matter. Though they would not intentionally bomb civilian location, this is still a very big statement. Cruz is stating “I’d be willing to wait until freshman orientation before launching those bombs”, (ABC News) as he replied to the news of a Jihad University. Most people react to this negatively, saying that America gets into situations it doesn’t need to be in, almost the exact same response before September 11th 2001. After multiple attacks on the United States majority of the views on the rules of engagement had changed drastically. With most Americans in a pro war state of mind. So these presidential views are not completely