The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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During perilous times, do we throw in the towel, and give up on democracy, or do we fight against the antithesis of a malignant maniac who is uniquely unqualified to lead the free world? With much debate over Donald Trump's sexual escapades and according to some, unwanted touching, sexual assault, we must not forget aside from his temperately unfit design; Trump is a strongman who has no desire to listen to those around him. Moreover, even if he does listen to those around him, Trump surrounds himself with arrogant, inept projecting swift boatmen to destroy anyone who makes genuine charges against him. For example, the women coming forward claiming Trump, sexually, assaulted them. A swift-boater uses the worst characteristic about themselves and projects it to their opponents. For example, if women accuse Trump of sexual misdeeds, he points out the other person's misgivings as being worse. Conservatives applauded Trump's sick move to bring Bill Clinton's accusers, whom he previously called losers and blamed them for bringing Clinton down, and even showed sympathy for Hillary; to the second presidential debate, but when the news broke about Trump victims coming forward, they brushed the accusations off with contempt. Trump supporters believed Bill Clinton's accusers, but they refuse to believe those who accused Trump of sexually assaulting them, just as he admitted on the infamous Access Hollywood tape. Moreover, Donald Trump defended female rapist teachers; saying male students don't mind having sex with their teachers. …show more content…

Trump bragged when she's ten years older; he will be dating her. Let's not forget; Trump goes to court in December for allegedly raping a then thirteen-year-old girl. Trump has a pattern of sexual deviancy, according to reporting through various media outlets. It's hard to believe that every one of them is