The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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A common issue and question that frequently arises is gun control. The topic comes up so frequently now, especially during election times and during the rise of tragic events happening around the world. People often wonder, what can we do to stop tragic events from happening? A common conclusion is that we should have more gun control, or that we should get rid of the second amendment. Even though guns are a form of protection, have been in the constitution as the right to bear arms since it was ratified in December of 1971, and guns are not the reason people are killed, the people with the guns are the reason and their mental state, people still argue that the United States needs stricter gun-control laws, or needs to get rid of the second amendment completely. However, that is not the answer to the problem. A perfect example as to why the second amendment should be left alone, is the example of one of the most recent events, a Texas shooting. A shooter entered a church, and began shooting innocent victims, the shooter was then chased by a neighbor, with a gun, where he was eventually shot. If the neighboring witness had not chased the man, who knows how many more people he would have went on to kill. Killing the church goers, was cruel enough and there didn’t need to be more victims. …show more content…

For example, Britain and Australia are two countries with extremely strict gun control, but according to an articles research, it doesn’t help. “Neither nation experienced drops in mass shootings or other gun related-crime that could be attributed to their buybacks and bans,” (Libresco, L, 2017.) Seeing that tightened gun control hasn’t helped other countries makes it clear that it won’t help in the United