The Pros And Cons Of Legalization Of Marijuana

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Cannabis is also known as marijuana. It is intended to use for psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana is made from dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. In 1969 only 12 percent Americans were in favour of use marijuana but today, 51 % to 61 % Americans are in favour of its legalization. Marijuana is illegal under federal law. 23 sates including D.C, Columbia legalized marijuana for potential uses of marijuana as medicine. The purpose of this law to control the cultivation, production, distribution, possession and use of marijuana by 21 years person and older within authorized states. It would also help to remove existing criminal penalties for certain activities. Since 2012 four states Alaska, Colorado, Washington State …show more content…

In short young people are most addicted to use marijuana. In the Boston globe newspaper (2016) according to the rocky mountain high intensity drug area report shows Colorado have seen the usage of marijuana in young person's percentage is increasing since marijuana legal in state. They have easier access to the drug. One main objects here that legalization of marijuana would help to control the production and contribution of marijuana. For example black market it means illegally buy or sell products with destroy the government policy through selling products on non-fixed price. Legal and regulated marijuana market would be safer instead of black market. However, according to young house state news (2016) imposing 3.75% sales tax on marijuana to over 21 years old person to possess up to an ounce of marijuana in general public. Although, this law significantly provide control of safe guards operation of marijuana. In the same way (MassDHA) have strict lab rules as compare to other states. Governor of Massachusetts C.Baker would create a cannabis commission with 17 people. They would operate such as alcoholic beverage commission and responsible for labeling, packaging and testing of marijuana products. That would help to keep way adults to illegal usage of