The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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Mary Jane, ganja, grass, bud, just a few of the 597 slang terms for the most commonly used drug in the United States: marijuana. According to facts slides “Approximately 100 million Americans have tried marijuana at least once in their life. More than 25 million Americans smoke marijuana on a regular basis.” |DRUG|- a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. By definition marijuana is considered a drug, but the argument is that not all drugs are bad for you.
An article by Alina Bradford (a Live Science Contributor) explains how the brain chemicals react when marijuana is introduced to our bodies. “Marijuana contains the chemical compound “THC” or tetrahydrocannabinol. …show more content…

But marijuana has an average death rate of zero. In fact according to one report it would take about 800 joints to kill a person but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning ( Multiple studies by Justine Alford have also proven that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. Some accidental studies have also found that drivers who test positive for marijuana often show no signs of impairment, in some instances may even drive more …show more content…

(According to a journal on the “Governing States and Localities” the Governing Data on State Marijuana laws informs us on the federal standings of some states on the medicinal and recreational allowances of marijuana.) “Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form.
Four states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use. In Alaska, adults 21 and older can now transport, buy or possess up to an ounce of marijuana and six plants. Oregon voters approved a similar measure allowing adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana in public and 8 ounces in their homes, set to take effect July 1. Colorado and Washington previously passed similar ballot measures legalizing marijuana in 2012.
A number of states have also decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Most recently, Delaware passed legislation that decriminalizes the private use of up to an ounce of marijuana, replacing penalties with a civil