The Success Of The Truth Campaign In Preventing Smoking Among Young Children

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Children are the future of the world. They are our future doctors, engineers, and lawyers. The children of today need to be encouraged to succeed in life. Therefore organizations try to improve advertisements to have a positive and healthy influences on children and young adults. The outcome of this is that advertisements market healthy food, they promotes healthy behavior, and prevents risky behavior among adolescents. Children have become the main target for advertisements. Thanks to this children are influenced, and encouraged to be active and healthy everyday. David Benady claims that “they could give children the ammunition to encourage their parents to be more environmentally and socially aware and to change their lifestyle in positive …show more content…

Under age smoking and drinking has been a huge problem in the United States, but the huge percentage has come down. Brooks-Gunn and Donahue prove this by saying that “ according to research, the decline in youth smoking attributed to this campaign equates to some 300,000 fewer youth smokers.”(1) They also declare that “ the success of the truth campaign in preventing smoking among young people” this ad has been preventing underage smokers. Smoking is not the only problem, unprotected sex has been causing the spread of HIV and AIDS, but thanks to the advertisements young adults have been protecting themself from the desises. Brook and Donahue prove that by saying that the organization “Black Entertainment Television has also reported a successful results” it was so successful that “ African Americans reported, 82 percent of all respondents and 94 percent of young adults aged eighteen to twenty-four recalled at least one KNOWN HIV/AIDS,” and that “70 percent recalled seeing two specific advertisements.” This means that young adults will now have the caution to protect them self while having sextual intercorse. Seventy percent of those teens that remembered at least two specific commercials will be doing protective