
What Is Your Personal Understanding Of A Problem-Based Learning Curriculum

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University of the Incarnate Word
What is your personal understanding of a Problem-Based Learning curriculum and how it differs from what you may have experienced thus far in your academic life?
Identifying the solution of a problem with the knowledge I have attained trough my academia it does not only make me reinforce what I already know but It makes me proud of what I have learned. Problem-based learning is a way of refreshing what I have learned. By teaching what I learn or by talking about it is what I believe to be one of the best ways of retaining information. This type of learning creates links in my mind that make it easy for me to recall information about a specific topic.
By identifying a problem, I learn aspects about the problem that I may know partial information about it or nothing at all. I find this beneficial because it makes me realize areas of the problem I need to expand my knowledge on by analyzing a real life scenario. The practice of discussing a topic with other students or tutors really expands my knowledge because of the normal interaction that includes different points of view. With conventional learning styles, facts are being given and learning can be achieved by analyzing what is being studied. The disadvantage about this way of learning is that is not always reinforced with an actual application of …show more content…

This is done by the stimulation of cognitive system. It makes me create an efficient pattern towards solving a problem. The problem could pretend to a real world working setting under professional context. This would make me consider things like process, policy, and ethics which are very important when dealing with a real person. With this type of learning, I have experienced an increase in communication skills. I believe this is due to the constant impulse towards trying to prove a point during the group discussion about a situation in an effective

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