Where's The Beef Rhetorical Analysis

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Where’s the Beef? Every day, commercials influence our lives little by little. Many commercials stay in our thoughts every day influencing us on where to eat, where to shop, and many other choices we make from day to day. One choice we, as Americans, make day to day has to do with fast food. The fast-food industry is very competitive. They have people wondering who has the best burger? Who has the fastest food? Whose restaurant is overall the best? They create commercials to convince people they are the best and persuade them to come to their restaurant. Over time Wendy’s has changed and grown but the common Wendy’s saying, “Where’s the beef” will always have people coming back for more.
Wendy’s was founded on November 15, …show more content…

They wonder which burger is the biggest and best. In 1984, Wendy’s created a commercial called Where’s the Beef? (Retrontario, 2011). This commercial started a trend and was thriving all over the country. The commercial become so popular that in 2011 they brought back the clever saying, “Where’s the Beef?” Forever Wendy’s fans loved it (Irvin, 2013). These two commercials draw in a crowd of burger lovers and Wendy’s fans. The use of rhetorical appeals and history between these two commercials allows these two commercials to be compared, by things such as their similarities and …show more content…

On television, restaurants like Wendy’s advertises their company as well as their products. Wendy’s competes with other restaurants to market their business, gain customers, and commercials are just one way to do so. The two Wendy’s commercials both show that Wendy’s is competing with other restaurants in the fact that they have the beef. The famous saying stemming from the 1984 Wendy’s commercial, “Where’s the Beef” is just one of many commercials they have to promote their company. The commercials draw the audience’s attention and allows them to think about the food they are getting from other places compared to Wendy’s. Wendy’s has the beef is their claim in this 2011 commercial (Irvin,

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