Why High School Should Be Later Essay

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There is a complication that numerous teenagers are having to fight against, but with every problem, there is a solution. Research has proven that teenagers need just as much sleep as little children do, which is around eight and a half to nine hours a night. Sleep is mistaken as an option, when in reality it is a need, and without the proper amount, students will suffer. High school arrival times should be later because students will be more capable of obtaining information, they will perform better academically, and will live healthier lifestyles. Many educators are immensely aware that students come into class exhausted, and not ready to learn. With later school arrival time, students will be able to learn new material, and learn in more abundantly. Adolescents do not have the ability to come into school and learn the new lessons that their teachers have prepared for them. They are restless and it seems that their brains are not capable of focusing. If …show more content…

If students are getting out later in the day, parents are worried that they will not be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A major obstacle to dodge would be if students gather an abundance amount of stress from having less time in the evening to complete school work, which would negatively affect stress. Extra time to sleep in the morning will allow students to spend the day more awake, students will gain a better memory, and the brain will have the ability to focus. Therefor, when it comes to completing homework, or other after school assignments, students will have the ability to complete the work in a more efficient time. With the development of an effective memory, students will spend less time having to go back and try to relearn material from the school day to complete homework assignments. Overall, there will be a decrease in the amount of time students are taking to complete