Why I Attend College Essay

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Every high school student should attend college in the time they have after graduating because you learn so many things, even in one semester. Here a person learns a lot of academics but also gets a little knowledge of being independent. I am here at the University of Alaska Fairbanks as a freshmen to major in civil engineering and minor in the Inupiaq language. My goal is to go home to either be an Inupiaq teacher or any occupation relating to or needing the use of a civil engineering degree. After my mom left me to be an adult, I’ve learned a lot on how to be on my own. The first thing I learned was to get all information about your class at the first day of class. I missed my first two lab classes because I forgot what room the instructor said my lab would be in. After getting my class location, I didn’t miss anymore labs. Also, I had things I needed that wasn’t bought when I had the money and after going low, I couldn’t buy what was …show more content…

I already had my major in mind when I chose UAF, because I was looking for the school that has the best civil engineering program, which UAF has. Since math is an easy subject for me, I decided I want to pursue a career in math, so I talked with my math teacher about suggesting majors that I could look into. Civil engineering excited me the most. Studying civil engineering is very fun but also difficult. Engineering majors are usually harder than other majors and you learn so many new things in the subject like the broken down components of a bridge or how to electrically power something through a circuit or using raw materials and the environment to produce energy. With my engineering classes come the required core classes. Sometimes, keeping up with homework can stress you out very much but that is a part of being in college. I take an English writing, math and Inupiaq class with my engineering lecture and lab

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