Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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Abortion has been a popular and controversial topic for centuries. However, the abortion procedure became more widespread in recent years with over 900,000 pregnancies in the United States of America ending in an abortion annually. (“U.S. Abortion Statistics.). While many call themselves pro-choice, pro-lifers claim abortion is wrong. Which begs the question: is abortion morally wrong, and why does it matter? Abortion is morally wrong because life begins at conception, purposely killing a human being is murder, and murder goes against the law.
One of the biggest arguments in the abortion debate is the question of when life begins. While those who support abortion, pro-choicers, claim that those who reject abortion, pro-lifers, have no scientific means to back their stand, science points to life beginning at conception. A pro-life worldview not only is logical but also corresponds with science. …show more content…

Conception is the formation of a viable zygote by the union of the male sperm and female ovum. (Conception.). This results in a woman’s pregnancy, eventually leading to the birth of a child. Professor Micheline Mathews-Roth from Harvard University Medical School said that “it is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception.” (“Why life begins at.). It would be unscientific to say that life begins farther down in the development stage. A beginning is a certain point and time that cannot be changed based on differing opinions on when life