Wl Gore Essay

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W.L. Gore company is known to be having a long running experiment in natural leadership and managing without managers (Natural Leadership, n.d.). The idea of an experiment, lends itself to creating new ways of performing activities. Because of the innovative way the company created the non-management process’s, the values they convey to their employees, and the expectations set by their leaders. I believe Gores employee group is primarily practicing a transformational leadership style. However, due some of the other aspects of the business I believe they also have to be utilizing elements of situational leadership. One of the most notable things in this particular reading is how hard the company has worked to establish the process and the forethought given to developing the methods by which they manage. The idea of creating a business that can be managed through a lattice work structure is amazingly insightful, because in most organizations there is an hierarchical structure. With no tiered …show more content…

In the case of these leaders there is a commitment to the values of the company, and there is commitment at a personal level. There are two specific types of values one relating to what you say, and the other based on what you do (Bass, p167). As it stands, W.L. Gore continues to do both of these. The W.L. Gore company has a culture that values there employees, values the management model. Also they would have to trusting relationships in which the employees have the confidence among themselves this will occur at individual level. Finally, the group has to have a strong moral obligation to each other, which is another aspect of a transformational leadership style.. Transformation leaders move their followers to transcend their own need for the needs of their group (Bass, p168). This is expected of all the employees of the Gore