Ww2 Technology Essay

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Technology advancements help people more than people would think. After World War II (WWII) Technology had a huge boost and we as people advanced alongside it. Yet During and after WWII we took a huge step into many science and technical researches. WWII was the most affected war by science,math, and technology. There were numerous new inventions and scientific principles the emerged during the war. Some advances were rocketry, V-1 or “Buzz Bomb” and the V-2 or “Ballistic Missile.” The “Rocket team” developed these weapons for Germany were eventually brought to the United States after World War II, In Alabama under their leader Wernher von Braun, they helped to build the rockets that sent astronauts into space and to the moon. Electronic Computers were developed by the British the Nazi “Enigma” codes, and also by the Americans for ballistics calculations and other battlefield equations. Small “computers” could be found in soldiers pockets and in large command and control centers. Early Control centers aboard ships and aircraft started the networked, interactive computing that is so central to lives today. Radar was …show more content…

Penicillin was the first mass produced medicine during the war. This was key for making it available to everyone. Penicillin is still used today, but it also help further other antibiotics that are taken today for small infections that may become a life threatening disease. Medicines that were made to fight off tropical diseases became critical for the United States. Pesticides like DDT played a crucial role in killing mosquitoes. Blood transfusions were perfected during WWII as was aviation medicine. This allowed people to fly safely at high altitudes for long periods of time. Night vision, supplemental oxygen, crash helmets and safety belts all emerged from aviation medicine. Medicine helps many victims of diseases and also helps keep us out of harm's