Gamer Essays

  • Pro Gamer Research Paper

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    How to become a pro gamer Many young people's dream is to become a pro gamer. What they don’t know is how long and difficult it may be. It takes time and effort. I mean have you ever seen a pro gamer. There more rare than seeing a celebrity. Hear 7 steps how to accomplish your goal to becoming a pro gamer. 1.Clear your schedule for the next 2 years. Because your life is basically figured out you will never have to go outside again. It takes so much time to get good at video so use these next 2

  • How Much Of Gamers Are Socially Inept?

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    A gamer is a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games (Oxford Dictionary) or someone who likes playing computer games (Cambridge Dictionary). Playing video games either through computers, game consoles (e.g., Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation), or hand held devices (cellular phone, tablets) are among the most popular leisure activities not just for adolescents but also for adults (Kirsch et al. 2005). According to, over 59% of Americans play games and these

  • Should Gamers Be Considered A Discourse Community By John Swales

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    community. The newest of which is the community of gamers. Most people don’t believe that the community of gamers should actually be considered a discourse community. That’s what I’m here for. I am going to disprove those who don’t believe that gamers are a legitimate discourse community. Based off of John Swales’ article “The Concept of Discourse Community” (Swales), and the six criteria that comes along with his article I will show that Gamers are truly a legitimate discourse community.  Out

  • Zichermann's Theory Of Gamerfication

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    much, much more. It’s meaning according to Webster dictionary is: “the process of adding games or game like elements to something (as a task) so as to encourage participation”. Gabe Zichermann presented this theory and at first, being a moderate gamer that I am, I was immediately drawn in. He proposed that modern industry and education is becoming game like in how they think, learn, and solve problems in, with the same way video games work. I agree with what he presented. If a person is presented

  • Stereotypes Of Playing Video Games

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    When you hear the word “gamer” what do you imagine? Most people would imagine a grown man in a dark basement, which happens to be his mother’s, eating Doritos and drinking Mtn. Dew. I’m sure this happens, since the stereotype had to come from somewhere, but gamers come in all shapes and sizes, and they all have different personalities and preferences when it comes to how they play their games. I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember, and throughout my years of playing I have

  • LJN: Jaws For The N. E. S.

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    There are two types of gamers:modern gamers and retro gamers.Most gamers are a modern gamer,but, some people think that retro games are more interesting, those people (like myself) are retro gamers.And all retro gamers have a very special (in a bad way),dark,cruel,heartless place deep inside our hearts for our hatred of ljn. But who is LJN? Lets find out. LJN was an American toy company and video game publisher named after the initials of the founder ,Lewis J Norman, that lasted from 1970 to 1994

  • Stereotypes Of Gamers

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    competition in video games. In fact, it started establishing certain popularity over a bigger and bigger audience, and more and more players, called gamers, or pro-players. Basically, the stereotype of the gamer is a person permanently playing on his computer, with no friends, and acne. Nevertheless,

  • Gamer Subculture Essay

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    apart of is the Gamer subculture. The Gamer subculture consists of anybody who plays video games; however, this is highly debatable because many people believe the level at which you play video games determines if you are a Gamer. Some people consider only those who play video games on consoles or PCs to be Gamers. I believe anybody who plays video games to any extent is a Gamer because no matter what you are playing video games on, you are practicing the the ritual of Gamers. The Gamer subculture is

  • Gamers Club Persuasive Speech

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    you know that 1.2 billion people are playing games world wide? Even if you aren 't a gamer or has never played a video game you should consider joining gamers club. This club is an all year club that is every friday in Dr. shunks room. There are not a lot of members in this group and it would be great if more would join, by the way it is a great way to meet new people. You might be wondering what do you do in gamers club. Easy. All you do is eat your lunch, talk to your friends (if you bring any) and

  • How Are Women Affected By Online Gamers?

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    no longer considered to be a minority in the gaming community. Female gamers are slowly increasing in numbers and are emerging from the shadows. According to an article by Lev Grossman regarding the large amount of Americans who play video games, he mentions that more than 145 million Americans play video games (1). He states that, “Nearly half of gamers are women.” This means that around 72.5 million Americans are female gamers, making them essentially at the same level as males. There is also a

  • What Is The Thesis For The Last Gamer Stand

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    Your Original Title Here Many children in the world have been affected by people who treat them differently based on the way they look or think. The novel Last Gamer Standing explains how discrimination is a major problem and how you still have the ability to succeed even when the odds are against you. The Little Free Libraries are provided to neighborhoods for children to read about a protagonist who is similar or completely different to them to help show them a new perspective or help them

  • Analysis Of A Subculture Of Gamers Like Guns, Too !

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    Gamers Like Guns, Too! A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture that has different views from those of the larger culture. In all the subcultures in our world, the one that stood out and lured me in was first person shooter gaming. First-person shooter gaming, FPS gaming for short, is a genre of gaming that involves competitive combat in the first-person view. FPS games are what I grew up on. When I figured out that FPS games were considered a subculture to gaming, I knew then and

  • Research Paper On The Careers Of Construction And Professional Gamer

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    I selected the careers of construction and professional gamer to research for this paper because I am interested in those career paths. Before researching construction, what interested me in it was I like working outside and doing stuff outside and I like traveling. They give you a job vehicle and pay for gas and also pay for apartments for you to stay in if you're working far away from home. For the second career I chose, professional gamer, I was interested in it because I like playing video games

  • Two Examples Of Misogyny In Video Gamers

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    In the recent years of gaming, there’s been quite the uprise in female gamers; taking up 48% of total gamers online in 2016, compared to the 36% of female gamers in 2011. Not only is this spike because of the generally increased interest in video games and STEM field s, but also because of the many recent games that have acknowledged their female audience. Some of these games include Fallout 4, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and Mass Effect: Andromeda, which allow the player to play as a woman

  • Analysis Of Should Gamers Be Prosecuted For Virtual Stealing

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    In 2023 there are so many controversial topics, but have you ever stopped to think about whether virtual stealing is a serious crime? Probably not. In Alex Weiss’s essay, Should Gamers Be Prosecuted for Virtual Stealing, he argues that gamers should not face prosecution for virtual stealing. Weiss begins this essay by providing us with information about a real case of prosecution due to virtual stealing. He then uses his personal experiences and knowledge of various games to help the audience visualize

  • Should There Be More Likely To Play Video Gamers?

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    “Young adults are particularly likely to play video games, as well as to identify as ‘gamers.’ Two-thirds (67%) of those ages 18 to 29 say they play video games, while 22% say the term ‘gamer’ describes them well” (Duggan, pg. 1). Going through school and a variety of life’s other responsibilities, gaming offers itself not only as an escape but also as a learning tool. Researchers, scholars

  • Atari 2600 Gamers Remain So Loyal Essay

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    Order 4 Why Atari 2600 Gamers Remain So Loyal Recently we’ve seen an influx of video game companies packaging old systems in new ways, bringing along a wave of nostalgia-buying from gamers who fell in love with those systems back in the day and are perhaps tired of the complexity of modern games. In truth, the original home video game system that broke through on a widespread basis was the Atari 2600. It became popular in the 1980’s and enjoyed several years of dominance before heavy competition

  • Analyzing The Article 'Gamer Communities: The Positive Side' By Keith Stewart

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    In the article called “Gamer communities: the positive side” Keith Stewart opens the article by using a quote from Howard Rheingold. This quote discusses that gaming is a good way to make friends through mutual interest. This sets up his main idea by introducing the concept of mutual interest in making friends. He then goes into the story of when Phantsy Sar Online was first released in 2000 and how when the US population entered the game, the Japanese population helped them get started and introduce

  • Greitemeyer Self-Perception Theory

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    For men gamers they haven’t considered women gamers as one of them, simply because they’re women and for men gamers they believed that women can’t do what they can do in terms of playing video games. Because men gamers wanted to compare the skills and strategies they have than in female gamers and how female gamers levelled up in particular video or online games. Because if they failed to win over men the stereotypes

  • Subculture In Video Games

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    people sharing similar background. These people usually form their own norms, values, attitudes, and lifestyle. (Brake, 1980) In our topic, those people who work hard are culture. Gamers who play video games as daily routine are subculture. “Gamers” is an worldwide issue which worth to discuss. Culture of gamers Gamers have positive impression on games. Games act as their family. They think that playing games is their hobbies and the best way