Kiwanis Essays

  • Kiwanis Breakfast Club Mission Statement

    543 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kiwanis Organization: The Kiwanis International web page has a clear mission statement of, “serving the children of the world.” Furthering this statement, Kiwanis is located in nearly 96 nations with the same goals of helping their communities; however, each community is different making each Kiwanis organization unique in their own way. Nevertheless, a typical Kiwanis organization plans hands-on projects focusing on the needs of the community, such as helping the elderly, supporting youth sports

  • Aging Observation Report

    1206 Words  | 5 Pages

    Observations on Aging “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?”
Satchel Paige, Baseball Player ***
Compare the words aging or elderly with youth and vibrancy. Which do you prefer? When I was in my twenties, I had the attitude that I was different from everyone else. Old people were old because they were weak mentally. Aging got the better of them because they allowed it to do so. I would be an anomaly and stay alive for as long as I wanted.  I ran a 4:30 mile simply by sprinting

  • Kiwanis Inventory Paper

    422 Words  | 2 Pages

    I learned from experience when I was doing community hours at the Kiwanis Thrift Store a few years back. Even though the Kiwanis’s store and staff were small, the staff have to do tremendous daily work. People donate their no longer used items to the store like furniture, clothes, appliances, kitchenware etc. These donations are classified as raw materials considering it’s the only way that it can gain its inventory. Although these donations are the only way that the store gains its inventory, doesn’t

  • Kiwanis Boys And Girls Club Problem Statement

    384 Words  | 2 Pages

    Problem Statement The community as a whole has a lot of children in the area. With over 10 schools near Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club this cooking class allows for children to come and learn about food and nutrition in a fun manner. Kiwanis Boys and Girls club is located in low income area. With this cooking class children can take recipe home that are low in cost and taste good. At the end of the program kids are given a recipe book with all the meals that they had cooked throughout the program

  • Personal Narrative: Mount Hood Kiwanis Camp

    527 Words  | 3 Pages

    the end. I sprinted alongside her, taking pictures all the while to record her ecstatic expression. I laughed as she told me she was glad she had tried the zip line, even if she had been scared at first. Only at the all inclusive Mount Hood Kiwanis Camp (MHKC) in Oregon, could children and adults with disabilities zip line across a rushing river, and come out on the other side feeling empowered and thrilled. MHKC is a place where any ability level is embraced and appreciated. It is a place where

  • Personal Narrative: My Involvement In The Kiwanis Key Club

    531 Words  | 3 Pages

    involved in his school's organizations, I could not have imagined just how much joining the Key Club would impact my life in the long run. My involvement in the Kiwanis Key Club was invaluable to my growth during my high school years because it served as a link to my community and an opportunity to exercise valuable leadership skills. The Kiwanis Key Club served as a bridge to my community during my time in high school, allowing me to serve and learn about various parts of my local town. Key Club familiarized

  • Georgia Tech Personal Statement

    502 Words  | 3 Pages

    During my time with the club I often met with Kiwanis (A organization of volunteers), soon I learned that Kiwanis created The Key club to give high school students an opportunity to serve their community. I also uncovered that The Georgia Institute of Technology also enjoys a Kiwanis club. In terms of service I believe that through community service, I may make a positive contribution to Georgia Tech upon arrival. I am very excited to join Kiwanis in college. I have always served locally, but I

  • Philanthropy In The 1800s Research Paper

    1580 Words  | 7 Pages

    Over the course of the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, the objectives of philanthropy turned to a new chapter. The definition of philanthropy today is: ¨goodwill to fellow members of the human race; especially : active effort to promote human welfare¨ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Led by Andrew Carnegie, philanthropy’s basis changed from focusing on major objectives to focusing on individual objectives. The evolution of philanthropy in the twentieth century, changed the objectives

  • Unit 3 E-Notebook

    3408 Words  | 14 Pages

    Club arthritis society The Boys and Girls Club Kiwanis easter seals Elizabeth Fry Society Lions Club Canadian Aids Society John Howard Society Canadian Hearing Society St John’s Ambulance Group Chosen: Service Club Rotary Club: They bring people together to share ideas, build relationships and then take action on issues around the world by coordinating global programs, campaigns and initiatives. They are a non-profit organization. Kiwanis: They focus on helping children around the world

  • Analysis Of Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand

    289 Words  | 2 Pages

    of Louie going to the Olympics has on not only his sister's and families lives, but also all of Torrance. Through third person, we are able to see the effect of Louie going to Berlin on people's lives other than Louie. “Anthony headed off to the Kiwanis Club, where he and Louie’s Boy Scout master

  • Bill Nelson Research Paper

    966 Words  | 4 Pages

    (Kiwanis Magazine, 14) At the age of just fourteen, his father died of a heart attack, leaving him the position of “man of the house.” This put an immense amount of pressure on Nelson to succeed and assume the role of adult in the family at an early age. To

  • How Did Benjamin Franklin Impact Society

    1935 Words  | 8 Pages

    "Speak little, do much," (Poor Richard's Almanac). This is a quote by Benjamin Franklin. Franklin used this quote as a motto for himself and did just as the quote says. He did not talk that much, but he did a lot. He had several inventions that are still used today and without them, life would not be the same. He wrote many books and most important, he helped write the Declaration of Independence. He helped build several places that we have today that most importantly include police forces, hospitals

  • Key Club Weaknesses

    418 Words  | 2 Pages

    First and foremost, I'm extremely excited for your class this year. I've always considered myself to be more of a writer than a reader, so your class seems perfect. Even though reading is essential in becoming a proficient writer, the mechanics and raw structure of writing is absolutely fascinating to me. Regarding my weaknesses, I’d like to develop my persuasive techniques, especially with using rhetorical devices-- specifically pathos-- within my analytical writing; I find it challenging to smoothly

  • Americorps Personal Statement

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    experiences led to service opportunities focused on team-based service and advocacy.I collaborated with individuals to sustain a tutoring program at my local Boys and Girls Club of America and started joining community-based organizations such as Kiwanis International. As time progressed, service participation throughout my undergraduate experience contributed to my desire to serve as an AmeriCorps volunteer. As an undergraduate, I took advantage of opportunities to mentor first-generation science

  • Muscarello Incident

    418 Words  | 2 Pages

    UFO Festival still manages to draw in a huge crowd. Huffington Post reported that the festival was expected to draw in more than 600 million UFO enthusiast. This festival isn’t quite as big as the Roswell festival, but Bill Smith, president of the Kiwanis Club of Exeter, doesn’t believe it needs to be in order to be successful. The core of the festival is about raising money for children’s charities and having fun. “A large percentage of the audience are true believers … They do take it seriously

  • Key Club Essay

    524 Words  | 3 Pages

    As Mariner High School’s Key Club President, I was able to witness the compelling challenges of working on a club board. As a club, we were able to double our club membership, increase active membership, and strengthen Kiwanis family relations. I believe that working on the club board is crucial for the position of Membership Growth & Reactivation Chair because I will be working with a dynamic range of clubs who are struggling with the same things I have went through in the past. However, each club

  • Essay On Odd Honor Society

    493 Words  | 2 Pages

    with serving the community. It has always been something I enjoyed doing. I live in Johnstown, a city where many of the families are in poverty. One of my school 's biggest projects was Trojan Family Christmas, which was a charity event sponsored by Kiwanis Club through our Key Club that ensured children within my school district got at least one present. The members of Key Club, which included myself, put together different activities for the children, which included making Christmas ornaments and hot

  • Skillsusa Mission Statement

    540 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout my high school career, I have been merited with many awards and opportunities. During my Junior year of school, I was selected to go to Washington DC on the CloseUp trip. The selection process was very stringent. First and foremost, we had to write an essay stating why we wanted to go to CloseUp, and what it would mean for us to get selected. Furthermore, our grades were a large part of the selection process- if we could not balance our work with the trip, and keep our grades up, we were

  • Application Essay For A Participating In The USC Canm JR Program

    617 Words  | 3 Pages

    As a high school student with aspirations to study medicine in the future, I believe that participating in the USC CAMM JR program will provide great insight into the lives of physicians and researchers, and expand my knowledge of various aspects of oncology. Growing up, I watched first hand my little brother's struggle with reflux disease, bladder surgeries, and repeat bouts of urinary tract infections. I also witnessed my mother having progressive loss of vision despite multiple eye surgeries

  • Essay On Voter Turnout

    641 Words  | 3 Pages

    With the use of the more modern ways of conducting campaigns there has also been a decline of those who work for a political party with only 6 % in the 1970s and dropping to 3 % in the 1990s. Nonpartisan organizations such as the Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis have also declined in membership leaving less for that in person contact (Gerber and Green, 2000). Both the partisan and non-partisan organizations are changing in how they reach out to mobilize the voter; these efforts have become largely impersonal