
Adnan Syed Case

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To start, I am no detective or think I am anywhere close to the level of intelligence that job needs but ever since the beginning of listening to the famous serial podcast I have always thought Adnan Syed was an innocent man or at the least did not play a big role in the crime. Something was not adding up in this case either the call logs or the actual murder Adnan did not show signs of being a murderer especially one who would plot a murder so closely related to him.
Firstly, Adnan is a smart man or at the least has a basic common sense which if he does wouldn't that mean he would see the police linking him to the murder of his ex-girlfriend? Adnan does not seem like the kind of person to anger easily so either Hae got him to the point of considering murder or Adnan is telling the truth about having nothing to do with the murder. He did snap at Sarah once but even then he seemed more annoyed with the constant answering of questions rather than the rage it takes to kill someone. Adnan does not seem like a psychopath or even close to being considered insane he has shown many times that he does have empathy and respect for other beings which most psychopaths do not. …show more content…

The timeline presented almost fully consisted of Jay’s side of the story which he changed several times whether it was to protect people he cared about or to make his timeline more believable. We can all agree this looks a bit sketchy on his part. There were not many sides of the story to be heard but they should not solely lye their whole cast on a kid who switches his alibis. Adnan didn’t deny being with Jay the day Hae disappeared as well as change his story even with little remembrance of the day after 16 years stuck in prison he still remains adamant about his

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