Adult Day Care Services Center Business Analysis

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For the adult day care services center to meet the goal of increasing clients capacity to the desired 100 clients, they will have to address various functional areas which hinder the organizations from reaching this goal. These functional areas are leadership, marketing, and finance. Leadership is having the vision, the ability to come up with great ideas, influence others on a common goal and train followers on how to accomplish it. Adult day services center has a great staff and an outstanding CEO who has a great vision for the whole agency at large. He is hardworking, honest, dedicated to expanding this agency’s mission of improving people lives. The CEO has a vision in his head for the adult day care service center program at Boner to expand but nothing is put on the paper that addresses low clients capacity and plan accordingly. This lack of planning is apparent in the adult day care services center. For the adult service to expand and increase enrollment, a director of health services who have transformational leadership qualities who will lead adult day …show more content…

The adult day care center marketing methods are not very effective to reach a wider base of consumers. For the adult day care services to increase the capacity to 100 clients from current 40 clients who are presently enrolled, there have to be through promotion and marketing campaign using different marketing methods. The facility currently relies on word of mouth referral strategy as mean of outreach to the clients base. Proper marketing strategies are vital to put the center in limelight and help it reach more consumers. The organizations have various methods to promote their services. These methods range from referral, advertising all this method are used as a way of reaching the audience seeking to build a relationship. The use of proper marketing strategy adult day services will attract more clients to their