Alcohol Advertising Underage Drinking Essay

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Alcohol Advertising Promotes Underage Drinking
Advertisements of alcohol are attractive to younger adults and high school students. The attraction to these alcoholic beverages are brought through many mass media advertisements. Alcohol advertisements should be banned so it would not promote under age people to drink.
Nowadays the advertising of alcohol encourages many people to use it. This kind of advertisements are dangerous mainly for young adults who are impacted by media and try most products that are advertised. Over exposure of alcohol advertising promotes young ones to try products they are not suppose to. Advertising of different beverages can be harmful to the underage drinking group, especially to high school students. Certain commercials can have a positive or negative meaning on one's values, and behavior of the youth in the nation. The normal media for the exposure of alcohol is on television, social media ads, magazines, and etc. Researchers have now established that alcohol advertising who target youth, results in increased alcohol consumption. Advertisements of alcohol …show more content…

Before students graduate high school students spend about 18,000 hours in front of tv, and their phones. Alcohol advertisements can reach teens through their facebook, and twitter. Just scrolling through their feed on social media, ads come to their attention. Television is the main source for alcohol ads which tend to persuade. Underage drinking can also lead to drinking and driving which is a kind of crime. Annually about 5,000 youth under 21 die from motor vehicle crashes, other unintentional injuries, homicides and suicides that involve underage drinking. In the 1980s the state lowered the drinking age to 21 . The law requires that a portion of federal highway funds to be withheld from any states that do not prohibit persons under 21 years of age from purchasing a publicity possessing alcoholic beverages