Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animal Testing
Imagine being trapped in a cage for weeks, years, or even your entire life. You can barely move. You have no control or say to what happens in your life. You can’t choose when you eat, what you wear, what you drink or where you go. A life like that sounds tortuous, no one wants to live like that. These are the conditions animals have to live in and on top of all that, their bodies are being used to experiment. If you don’t want to live like that do you think that we should force animals to live that way? Animal Testing is the use of animals in experiments to study behavioral and biological variables. It’s used to study how living bodies work, how to treat diseases, and even to test beauty/household items are safe. The …show more content…

Animal testing has also helped scientists better understand how to treat breast cancer, leukemia, malaria, and many others. Scientists also claim how there are no other ways to experiment. They claim there is nothing to replace a living body with all the organs and systems within the body. Supporters of animal testing claim that animals are the perfect subjects, since they share up to 99% of DNA with humans. The scientists justify their testing methods by saying how the laws protect the animals from being harmed. Many cosmetic companies put animals through unnessaccary testing to ensure their products are safe for …show more content…

There are new methods that are more accurate to humans. According to former U.S. National Institutes of Health director, Dr. Elias Zerhouni, “The problem is that [animal testing] hasn’t worked and it's time we stopped dancing around the problem… We need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans.”(Alternatives to Animal Testing).
New methods are using human cell and tissue. These tests are known as “in vitro”. These experiments are making the products more applicable to humans. Howard Wytt Institute has invented “organ-on-chips” which have successfully replicated human structure and function of human organ and organ systems. The chips will assist in researching drug testing, toxicity test, and disease research. The drug produced more accurate results of drug response and human psychology than animal testing. A variety of cell-based and tissue models tests can improve reliability of the products and