College Admissions Essay: What Is A Scholarship?

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Scholarship is defined as “academic study or achievement; learning of a high level." ,but I believe that it is so much more than that. To me scholarship is not just studying and learning, it is the desire to study and to learn more. Just showing up for school and sitting through your classes isn’t enough. You need to be willing to learn and improve. I demonstrate this in my school life as well as my home life. At school, I always do my best to be physically and mentally present for class. I am always willing to ask questions and go more in-depth into a topic. I’m not afraid to admit how much I don’t know in order to grow in my academics and as a person. At home, I am constantly wanting to learn more as well. My mom and I have long discussions …show more content…

I don’t have a problem with being up in front, controlling what is going on, actually I prefer it. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, so if I get the opportunity to lead, I will gladly accept. That way I know that what is getting done, is getting done right. This relates back to my scholarship as well. I do not settle for a B or a B+ even though that that is above average, for me, it has to be an A. Leadership, is more than just being able to head up a group project and getting the praise of doing a good job, you have to be able to deal with the consequences too. Being a leader can be hard, but I think I can handle it well. My leadership skills were put to the test this summer when, I was put in charge of the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at vacation bible school. Some of these children were well behaved and mature, and others were just at that age where they are very defiant. I was only 2-3 years older than some of these kids, and they weren’t giving me much respect because of this. It took me about 15 minutes on the first day of class to realize I didn’t get to be the fun helper any more, I needed to step up and be a leader, and I did. After I put my foot down and made it known that I was the leader of the class, and I wouldn’t tolerate disrespect, the kids listened to …show more content…

I love helping and being with people who need help. My mom has provided me with an amazing opportunity for service, and it’s called the Job Foundation. This foundation is dedicated to helping out underprivileged children, by giving them a mentor. I have had the privilege to work with a 11 year old girl from Waterloo named Jachise. We, my mom and I, spend as much time mentoring her each month as both of our schedules allow. We help with homework, play games, go on hikes, and all sorts of fun things. Her mother always tells us what a difference we are making in her life, and that is the most amazing feeling. My church provides me with many opportunities for service as well, such as VBS, Sunday school, and Habitat for Humanity. Also, being in choir has given me the opportunity to visit River Hills, and sing for the children. I love volunteering, and doing service projects, its good for the people you're helping and its good for my