Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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Should teenagers be allowed to drink just because they turn eighteen, and are now considered to be a legal adult? Being intoxicated has effects on many people within the United States, but every state has different laws when it comes to drinking. Some people believe that the minute they turn 18, they should be able to do whatever they please because they could be drafted for war, be able to vote, pay bills on their own, and have a car in their name. So why not lower the drinking age you say? The issue on what should be an acceptable age to drink has become a very talked about topic lately. Not too long ago, people who were under the age of 21 were allowed to drink but, that all changed one day. In 1984, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act was put into place. This law simply told the states to raise the minimum drinking age to 21, or loose about ten percent of highway funding. As a result, shortly after, states were flying to put this law into play to keep that funding. Despite the fact that in most states, even though the drinking age is at 21, some teens are still permitted to do so if not of age, by the supervision of their parents. For instance in the state of …show more content…

One of the reasons is whether or not teens are mature enough. Some of them honestly don’t know when to stop, and would just drink just do be doing so, also known as binge drinking. Now with some adults, you do have those who sit around and drink with family or friends just to have a good time as opposed to some teens, who just drink to get completely wasted away. That right there is an example of how some teenagers can be careless. When some teens are not taught to drink in a responsible manner, they end up taking in a large amount of alcohol. It would be a very good thing to teach teens at a young age how to drink in a responsible manner and at the same time, hold them accountable for their