Fed Up By Stephanie Soechtig: Documentary Analysis

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In 2014, The documentary Fed Up, was released. The documentary was directed and narrated by Stephanie Soechtig. The film highlighted throughout history what doctors and America thought to be the causes of Obesity and weight gain. For example, one of the main responses to the causes of obesity and weight gain was “Eat less and exercise more.” Children were distraught after walking their dogs, joining swim team and performing multiple kinds of exercise. They were losing no weight and in fact, were gaining. Doctors have finally concluded that refined sugars deserve all the credit for being the main factor contributing to weight gain. Fed Up stressed how the problem spills over in the foods we buy from grocery stores, restaurants, and school lunches. …show more content…

The reason for this is that the low and reduced-fat foods may have less fat but food producers replace the fat with added sugar to still have a delicious taste. Therefore, the children’s body’s were consuming lots of sugar, producing more insulin, causing them to feel hungry and store fat. Professionals in the film informed the viewer how similar the effects of cocaine and sugar are on the brain. Dr. Mark Hyman mentions how “Junk is still junk even if it is less junky.” This is the trick with processed foods, the carbs and calories can alternate but the sugar does not necessarily change. It is important to pay close and careful attention to the food products you buy and what you consume. One professional stated “Does it look like a product of nature or a long list of artificial ingredients?” Unfortunately, there those who will do everything in their willpower to allow processed foods and soft drinks to be produced legally because of the wealth being reeled in. It is up to each one of us to protect ourselves and our country from the impending doom in two

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