Healthcare Managers In The MENA Region: A Case Study

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The healthcare industry is facing many challenges today such as aging populations, increases in healthcare expenses, labor shortages, new diseases, greater ethnic diversity, and new technologies. All of these changes make it necessary for (Barzdine,2012) a competent manager to play a significant role in making decisions that affect the success of the healthcare organization. This paper will examine the key leadership and financial management competencies for health care managers in the MENA region and discuss the competencies that other studies from different countries recommended healthcare managers in order to establish good examples for healthcare managers in the MENA region.
Healthcare organizations nowadays are changed by shifting healthcare and focus more on value-based rather than volume-based delivery of healthcare (Madden, …show more content…

The essential competency domains that all healthcare managers should review training so that they can become more competent leders and move their organizations forward are “ healthcare, governance and organizational structure, laws and regulations, quality/ performance improvement and human resources” (Landry, Stowe and Haefner ,2012) Besed on this study’s findings training healthcare managers was the best way to be prepared for all new challenges or changes. Moreover, healthcare organizations in the MENA region should introduce new policies and strategies to improve managerial competencies such as offering training programs for healthcare managers, increase the number of monitoring programs in all healthcare organizations, and supporting the teamwork.
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