
MSU Personal Statement

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As a young child growing up in the northern suburbs of Chicago, life was ordinary until my mother was diagnosed with leukemia. My childhood is filled with vivid memories of my mother being near death and in isolation during her two years of recovery. My mother’s illness forced me to deal with circumstances beyond my control, leaving me feeling powerless. As a result of these complex situations and the dramatic change in our family dynamics, I began to see a counselor to help me gain an understanding of life’s challenges. This experience has defined who I am today and has inspired me to help others who struggle with their emotional and psychological well-being.
Years later, that same feeling of powerlessness was triggered in high school. I was …show more content…

As an advocate, peer educator, and crisis line volunteer at MSU’S VOICE Center, I have gained the skills and wisdom necessary to sit with and be present in uncomfortable situations. I recognize that being a graduate student focuses on flexibility and personal growth, a journey I feel I have already begun. As a graduate student at MSU I will utilize the strengths that I already have, that is my ability to relate, educate, and empower. A favorite quote of mine by John Maxwell states, “Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others …show more content…

The Body Project is an evidence-based body acceptance workshop, which I manage, implement, and lead. During a session of the Body Project workshop we ask the participants to write a letter to their younger self about body acceptance. The letter is intended to help participants recognize the unrealistic expectations of beauty and femininity in our culture and to express in written form its impacts. One participant shared that she was recovering from an eating disorder and the exercise triggered intense emotions bringing tears to her eyes. Her emotions made my heart feel heavy but in an empathetic way I was able to stay present and supportive. In retrospect I realize this was a powerful and vulnerable situation for the entire group. The safe space I created for these women was apparent and watching the participant grow from the letter made it evident that I have chosen the right career

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