
Mission Statement Analysis: The Lake County School System In Tennessee

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The main difference in a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement communicates an organization’s intentions and objectives while a vision statement communicates an organization’s goals (Kinicki & Williams, 2016). A mission statement is decided about by the individuals that are higher-up in an organization. A vision statement is carried out by those individuals who are not as high up in an organization. An organization who desires to excel will have both a mission and vision statement to outline their desires (Kinicki & Williams, 2016). A mission statement can be used by organizations that wish to make money and those who do not. A mission statement can also provide a reason behind why an organization has the goals that it does. A vision statement is for an extension of time, and helps to determine and utilize tools that will help the organization succeed. Vision statements will come after an organization states their mission statement (Kinicki & Williams, 2016). A vision statement includes planning by management within an organization. There is strategic, tactical, and operational planning that are produced by an organization’s vision statement. Those from the highest management positions to the lowest of management positions have a role to play in these planning …show more content…

The mission statement of the Lake County school system is as follow, “Our purpose is to form partnerships between schools, families, and the community so that all students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become successful in life.” The vision statement of the Lake County school systems reads as, “Through partnerships with families and community, our vision for Lake County Schools is to be among the top performing school districts in the state.” I do feel as though both statements meet the criteria for both a mission and vision

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