Mr. Adams Guilty

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Who is the killer of Mr. Adams? Is that Mr. Bennett? No Mr. Bennett is not guilty because there are reasons that some of the people in this case should be found guilty because of all the data found on each of the people, there is lots of evidence found that Mr. Bennett is not guilty, and why this all could of been an accident and Mr. Adams poor eyesight lead him to this. There are many reasons why Mr. Alfaro should be found guilty of killing Mr. Adams. Mr. Mack is not guilty because of this; it could've been Mr. Adam's fault because of his poor eyesight. The first reason Mr. Adams had poor eyesight is that when he was reading the ingredients he might have put something in his coffee that was deadly. Since Mr. Adams can't see very well the ingredients …show more content…

Adams has bad eyesight. If he is allergic or just something bad for him and he eats it, then he could die. When you think about it, even though Mr. Mack is at Mr. Adams, sometimes he is not guilty because there are signs that Mr. Adams has made a mistake by mis-putting an ingredient in his coffee that led to his death. Mr. Alfaro should be guilty because his fingerprints were left on the cup and he is the one who has access to the poison he was killed with. The next reason Mr. Alfaro is guilty is because he has access to the rat poison since he works for them. Evidence that supports this is that Mr. Alfaro’s fingerprints were found on the cup that he drank out of and was killed by the substance that was in it. The reason this evidence proves my claim is because Mr. Alfaro is an exterminator and that's how he has access to rat poisoning. One of the other witnesses saw Mr. Alfaro give Mr. Adams a cup and Mr. Adams died from rat poisoning. Mr. Alfaro should be found guilty of this. When going through the evidence, the killer of Mr. Adams is not Mr. Bennett. With all of this evidence, he should be not guilty when seeing the cup that Mr. Adams died from, the liquid inside the fingerprints were tested and led to Mr.

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