Obesity Is Not A Disease Essay

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Obesity is a widespread condition that is commonly mistermed as a disease due to lack of understanding of what the word “disease’” really means.. Although many people argue that obesity is disease there is evidence that it is not a disease it is a medical condition leading to diseases. They say that obesity, like alcoholism, depression, and anxiety, is a disease. That there are medical patterns such as neurotransmitter deficiencies and nutritional exhaustion that contribute to obesity.(“Obesity - ProCon.org.”) Obesity kills way more Americans than we think. According to a new study 18 percent of all deaths in america is caused by obesity. A third of americans are overweight and 35 percent are obese. Obesity meets all accepted criteria of a medical disease, including a known etiology, recognized signs and symptoms, and a range of structural and functional changes that culminate in pathologic consequences. (“Obesity - ProCon.org.”) Although obesity does kills people like a disease and requires medical attention it is technically not a disease. Obesity is a medical condition that leads to other diseases and being markedly overweight is correlated with a variety of health problems. Some of these …show more content…

If obesity is truly a disease, then over millions of adults and children in America have been classified as sick. Even your friends, coworkers, and family members. Obesity should not be classified as a disease because a disease is usually when it is out of one’s control. Last time I checked, there was no gene that made you drive into a McDonald’s drive thru and order a 10 piece nugget with a large fry and a large soda. Classifying obesity as a disease is like comparing obesity to drug abuse. People with heart diseases or kidney diseases did not ask for their illness and did not do things to make themselves have the illness, while most of the obese people and drug addicts

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